Power Tariff Transition Solution

Track of power tariff competence for different consumer


Gain insights upon the power tariff competence for different consumer as per distribution utility in order assess parallel distribution licensee business case

How this can augment value ?

  • Energy company
  • Discom
  • Regulator
  • Industry

Are you an energy company ?

Gain deep insights upon :

  • Power offtake in terms of value realization
  • Discom wise average cost of supply (ACOS)
  • Benchmarks for tariff w.r.t discoms and end consumers to partner with
  • Learn the business case opportunities to become a parallel distribution licensee

Are you a Discom ?

Gain insights to :

  • Evolve with yearly ARR filing and better price categories for end consumers like domestic, agriculutral, commercial and large industrial etc.
  • Reduce your burden by building a watertight review mechanism

Are you a Regulator?

Learn the latest tariff revision and true-up benchmarks to effect better rationalization across categories of different consumers as per connected load for discoms

Are you an industry ?

Gather power cost inputs to:

  • Effect better strategic decisions and control of both opex and capex.
  • Compare the situation uphand at diligence stage to enter into a long-term contract with discoms
  • Proceed with long/medium/short term open access contracts or set-up a captive power plant instead as per source of generation

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